Tuesday 21 June 2011

Need for Birds Survey Varies According to the Site and Development Work

In United Kingdom, there is almost no place where birds will not be found, and therefore, at some point or the other it is necessary to conduct birds survey under the guidance of expert ecology consultants. These consultants are usually efficient in conducting surveys such as nesting bird, breeding bird and wintering bird surveys using a number of techniques. As there are many techniques as well as many types of birds survey, there are equally many rationales and reasons to conduct the same. For example, the reason for conducting birds survey in the inner city will be different than that of near SPA. In United Kingdom, all wild birds are protected from killing, injury and possessing under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended. Under this law, it is an offense to take, damage or destroy a nest while in use or being built, and to take or destroy the eggs of any nesting bird.

Also, species such as kingfisher, red kite and green shank are listed on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended. According to this law, it is an offense to harass intentionally or unintentionally these species or their young. Such species included in Schedule 1 are given higher priority in terms of legal protection or nature conservation. Among the most popular of the methods for birds survey are Common Bird Census (CBC) and Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). Professional ecology consultants know exactly how to use these techniques and others such as Wetland Bird Survey and British Bird Mitigation. These methodologies are generally used for wintering and non-breeding species. There are some professional ecology agencies which have contributed a great deal as far as preservation of the natural resources specially the birds are concerned. They have done it through carrying out birds survey with utmost sincerity and professionalism.