Monday 18 July 2011

Legal Protection for Great Crested Newt in UK

Because of the significant decline in the population of great crested newt and its habitat, the government of england has created a law to protect them. Great crested newt breed in ponds but they spend many years on land. They ensure that their habitats are in near region from the ponds. Their existence depend on the surroundings of their habitats. Great crested newt are found in rural, urban and suburban areas. Majority of great crested newt are found in the north-east england where there is less urbanization and very less habitats are found in the upland areas of england.

In UK, you need to conduct newt survey before buying land. You can contact environment consultancy to conduct this newt survey. This survey can not be done by anyone and anytime. It requires precise knowledge and can be conducted at specific time of the year only. If you are planning to buy land then contact environmental consultancy well in advance so your work need not to face hault from the government. The consultants of these firms are ecological scientists and have license to conduct survey and make documentation.

The ecological scientists can also help you to create newt fencing to save your property. They can effectively apply the newt mitigation schemes to save newt from any kind of harm. Before starting construction on a newly purchased land, it is necessary to submit the official report of your construction impact on newt. Even when you create newt fencing, it is important to apply the mitigation scheme to save the population of this endangered species. However, this mitigation also require license from the environmental department of UK.

In mitigation scheme one need to purchase the additional land, create artificial habitat for newts, hire ecological scientist from the consultancy firm and give some promises to save these species after the development. The government takes decision based on the size and type of newts impacted by your interfering. Also, it depends how much important the newts carry for our environment.