Wednesday 24 August 2011

Code for Sustainable Homes Encourages Builders to Follow the Rules

The aim of code for sustainable homes is to reduce the carbon emissions during the process of constructing new homes and thereby pro actively participate in the conservation of the deteriorating environment. The code is prepared by the Government in close working consultation with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) and Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA), and through consultation with a Senior Steering Group consisting of Government, industry and NGO representatives.

The job of an environmental consultant is to properly understand this code and try to help developers implement it correctly. Any professional environmental consultancy while taking up the task to prepare this code for sustainable homes report would send its environmental consultants to visit the development site. The consultants then would collect the data on the habitats and species including the potential for rare or protected species. It would then comment on each of the ecological criteria and highlight which credits can be achieved and where ecological enhancements could be undertaken.

This code's purpose is to establish a single national standard which can guide the designing and the construction of the sustainable homes. It is a way in which there is a scope to constantly improve the design and construction of the houses in U.K., come up with greater innovation and achieve incredible results in building up sustainable homes across the country. Under the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, the government has introduced Energy Performance Certificates which complement code for sustainable homes. As per this directive, houses will require to have these certificates providing important information about the energy efficiency/ carbon performance of the home. The code of the sustainable homes too would use the same calculation methodology for the energy assessment which would eliminate the need for duplication. Though, the code is voluntary, the home builders and designers are prompted to follow it as it may get mandatory in the future course.