Wednesday 8 June 2011

Woodland Management Plans Are Motivated by Economic Purposes

Woodland management plans basically involve assessment of woodlands in connection with the economic activity. When environmental engineers chart out the plans it may consist of recreational use, education, conservation and visual amenity. In charting out the plans, the engineers would also consult the relevant third parties including government bodies and local community groups regarding management and restocking grants. When it comes to economic purpose, it may involve producing a crop of trees for wood products or game birds for commercial shoots. However, where the woodland is meant for the benefit of wildlife or conservation, there may not be any need of management.

Having said this, in United Kingdom, there is no woodland that has been practically left untouched by human activities. The reason is woodlands are the major source to obtain things for living. That is to say, if the woodlands are the pasture-type, they will the ideal for the sheep and the cattle to offer gaze. Pigs too would be benefited, in this way; woodlands play a great role in the entire scheme of economics. Given this economic importance, woodland management plans are necessary and it is equally important that it be carried out by experienced environmental engineers. However, if the engineers try to eliminate all human activity in woodland, it will lead to dark and dense woods. And, this type of woodland will then be comfortable only for a small number of species, and therefore will not be suitable for the species which require higher light levels or which depend upon the other species. In such cases, if the country or local area wants to manage and conserve the high biodiversity and there is an aim of wide range of woodland species, efficient woodland management plans are necessary to be executed. When such plans are executed by environmental engineers, it would also be necessary to create structural diversity within the woodland.